24.12.2020 CADCHF CADCHF is listed at 0.6907. The pair trades under Ishimoku Cloud, suggesting a downward trend. The lower bound test of cloud indicators is expected at 0.6915, followed by a drop to 0.6835. An additional signal in favour of the reduction in quotations will be the rebound from the upper end of the relegation channel. Abandoning the option with a fall in prices will split the upper end of the indicator cloud with its consolidation above 0.6950, which means a further increase to 0.7045. 101,000 GOLD Gold is listed at 1876. The instrument trades above Ishimok Cloud, which indicates an upward trend. The lower limit of the indicator cloud is expected to be tested in 1865 and then increase by 1970. An additional signal in favor of the increase in quotations will be the reflection from the lower end of the channel upwards. Canceling the option with price increases will be a division of the lower limit of the Ishimoku Cloud with its closure below the level of 1840, which means a continuation of the decline until 1805.
101,000 USDCAD USDCAD the currency pair is trading at 1.2847. The pair trades above Ishimoku Cloud, suggesting an upward trend. The benchmark signal line test is expected at 1.2835, followed by an increase to 1.3035. An additional signal in favor of the increase in quotations will be the reflection from the lower limit up channel. Abandoning the option with price increases will split the lower end of the indicator cloud and consolidate it below 1.2735, which means a continuation of the decline to 1.2645. The increase in quotations will be confirmed by the division of the upper limit of the “Triangle” model with their consolidation above the level of 1.2925.
Ind.) 101,000 Financial Market Forecasts are private opinions of the authors. The current analysis is not a guide to trade. RoboForex is not responsible for the results of the work that may occur when using the trading recommendations of the presented reviews.
28 Dec