22.12.2020 EURUSD euro Currency pair against the US dollar has developed a downward trend structure to 1.2140. Today, the market fell apart at 1.2200 and met the local growth target of 1.2249. At the moment, the market is falling to 1.2200 (pre-test). Next, we expect the next growth structure to grow to 1.2277. In the event of a collapse of 1.2190, the probability of continuing the correction with a decrease to 1.2050 should be considered. Then you can grow to 1.2330.

GBPUSD Pound currency pair to US dollar worked a downward tide to 1.3230. Today, the market broke through 1.3330 and met the local target of 1.3499. At the moment, the market remains in a downward structure to 1.3330 (pre-test). Next, consider the probability of an increase to 1.3544. In the event of a collapse of 1.3320 down, the potential for a continuation of the downward tide will be opened up to 1.3200.

USDRUB US dollar currency pair to Russian ruble with a division of 73.83 up worked the growth structure to 75.12. Today we expect a drop to 73.83 (pre-test). We then expect it to rise to 74.67. Therefore, the market will set the framework for the scope of consolidation. With its exit, it will open up growth potential to 76.76. With production down, it is possible to fall to 72.20. 101.000 USDJPY Japanese dollar currency pair to Japanese yen worked a wave of rise to 103.77. At the moment, the market trades at 103.00. Subsequently, the link between growth and 103.40 is not excluded. Then – reduced to 102.70. And with the division of this level down will open up the potential for development 102.50 (at least).
101,000 USDCHF US dollar-to-Swiss franc currency pair worked its growth structure to 0.8900. The market then slummed to .8880 and created a scope for consolidation. With its division down the local target of 0.8844 has been worked out. Today, the market maintains a correction to 0.8877 (test from below). Next, let’s look at the probability of a drop to .8839.

AUDUSD Australian dollar versus US dollar fell to 0.7490 and correction to 0.7599. The market is currently trading at 0.7548. Then consider the probability of a combination of growth with 0.7636. 101,000 BRENT Oil rose to 49.50. Today, the market has reached an increase of 51.08 (test from the bottom). Then we expect a drop to 50.00. At these levels, we expect the scope of consolidation to develop. With the exit from this, the potential to continue the correction will open up to 47.84. From production upwards it is possible to increase to 52,85. And with the division of this level, we will consider the development of a growth wave to 55.00.

GOLD Gold rose to 1906.48. The market then followed a downward trend to 1855.25. Today, the growth structure to 1878.00 has been worked out. At the moment, the market is creating a number of consolidations around it. With a division of 1870.00 down will open the possibility of falling to the level of 1850.00. And with its division you can continue the wave of decline to 1820,66. With a split of 1886.00 up does not exclude “throw away” prices to the level of 1900.00. Next – the trend decreases to 1750.00.

Bitcoin Bitcoin market continues to develop a downward tide to 21800. After its development, we expect a correction link to 22900. At these levels, we expect to create a scope for consolidation. With the exit from it, the potential to drop by 20600 will open. With the exit up does not exclude the “ejection” of the price to the level of 24700. Then the noduch is to fall by 20600.

S’P 500 The stock market index traded at 3610.2. Today, a correction has been issued to 3700.0. At the moment, the market is in a downward structure to 3671.9. At these levels, we expect to create a scope for consolidation. With the exit from it, the potential to drop to 3600.0 will open. From production upwards it is possible to increase to 3737.0. Ind.) 101,000 Financial Market Forecasts are private opinions of the authors. The current analysis is not a guide to trade. RoboForex is not responsible for the results of the work that may occur when using the trading recommendations of the Reviews.