
Прогноз Форекс и криптовалюты на 2022 год

EUR / USD: First Down, Then up The Global Economy IS Recovering from The Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic, and this Process Will Continue in 2022. At Least. The Forecast for Global GDP Growth of 6% Is Maintained This Year. Growth Will Continue (Unless There Are New “surprises”) to Roughly 5% Next Year, According to Preliminary forecasts. However, This Is An Aveya Indicator, and It Is The Difference In The Rates Of Recovery of the Econom of Different countries That Will Affect The Rates of Their National Currencies. You can see Quite Different Vector Behavior of the EUR / USD Pair Since The Beginning of the Pandemic. Having Started AT 1.0635 in March 2020, The Pair Was Already AT 1.2350 in Early January 2021 The Weakening of The Dollar Has Been Affectedd by The Intense Pumping Of The US Economy With A Huge Dollar Mass As часть политики монетарного стимулирования (QE), реализуемой Федеральной резервной системой США. С началом нового 2021 года и приходом в Белый дом администрации нового президента Джо Байдена у рынка появляется ощущение большей стабильности и скорого сворачивания QE. Тем более что макроэкономические показатели, особенно инфляция и восстановление рынка труда, были обнадеживающими. Доллар подорожал, а пара EUR/USD снизилась до 1,1700 к концу марта. Но среди руководства ФРС преобладали голубиные настроения, продолжалась накачка экономики деньгами, начало сворачивания программы количественного смягчения откладывалось на неопределенный срок, а о повышении базовой процентной ставки даже подумать не удавалось. И пара снова поднялась выше важного психологического уровня 1.2000, достигнув высоты 1.2265. Конкуренция между Central Banks of Europe and the United States Certainly Did Not End There. But While The Ecb’s Rhetoric Continued To Be Dovish, The Statements of Some Fed Leaders Already Sounded a Harsh Hawkish Note. Investors Started to Expt That The Fed Would Begin to Roll Back QE at the end of this year and Will Complete It in 2022, In Order to Start Raising The Discount Rate in Early 2023. And The Dollar Gained Ground Again, Dropping The Pair Back Into The 1.1700 Zone. AT ITS SEPTEMBER MEETING, THE AMERICAN REGULATOR DID NOT ANNOUNCE ANY SPECIFIC PLANS REGARDING THE CURTAILMENT OF THE MONETARY STIMULUS PROGRAM. But, If Decision-Making Dynamics Remain The Same, The Fed Will Be Ahead Of The Ecb by About Six Monhs. On This Basis, Many Experts Predict The Dollar Will Continue to Strengthen in Late 2021 and in the first half of 2022. In This Case, The Pair Will Continue to Move South, First to Support 1.1500 and then to 1.1200. Some Particularly Zeal Bears Predict The Pair Will Even Drop to the Lows of March 2020. As for the Second Half of 2022, According to A Number of Forecasts, The US Economic Situation Will Stabilize, While The “Slow” Eurozone, On the CONTRARY, WILL BEGIN TO GAIN MOMENTUM. A REDUCTION IN THE EUROPEAN QE PROGRAM AND A RISE IN THE EURO INTEREST RATE COULD REVERSE THE TREND AND RETURN THE PAIR TO THE 1.1700-1.2000 ZONE IT IT CLEAR THAT THE DYNAMICS OF THE PAIR DEPENDS On Many Factors on Both Sides of the Atlantic Ocean: Political, Economic, And in Recent Years, Epidemiological. One Other Major Player Is China, Which Also Has A Strong Influence On The Econom of Both The Old World and The New World. Therefore It Should Be Understood That Everything Said Is Based On A Vision Of The Situation At The Moment and Can Be (and Should Be) Subject to Adjustment Many Times Over The COMING MONTHS. Cryptocurrencies: Virtual and Real Gold While there is a rough understanding and political and economic justification of forecasts with the major currency pair EUR / USD, things look much more complicated as far as cryptocurrency is concerned. Despite The Assurances of Influencers, This Market Looks More Like The Epicenter of Mass Speculation Over The Past 1-1.5 Years, Rather Than A Reliable Investment Platform. The Year IS Not Over Yet, But Bitcoin Has Already Managed to Soar from $ 28,550 in January, the $ 64,800 in April, Then Collapsed to $ 29,300 in July, and then Repeat This Rally, Only On A Slightly Smalleler Scale. The Rate of the BTC / USD Pair Can Be Influenced Not Only by The Decisions of US Regulators and The Chinese Government, But Even The Mood Elon Musk Has Woken Up in. One of His Tweets Can Make You A Millionaire or Rip You to the Bone. That’s Why Nordfx брокерское обслуживание дает своим клиентам возможность заработать не только на росте, но и на падении курсов криптовалют, даже не имея в запасе ни одного токена. Зачем рисковать и покупать биткойн, а потом продавать его? В конце концов, вы можете просто открыть продажу сразу. Никто точно не знает, сколько будет стоить эталонная криптовалюта. Мнения экспертов сильно разнятся. Некоторые, как Standart Chartered, видят 100 000 долларов к концу этого года, а некоторые прогнозируют рост до тех же 100 000 долларов, но только к концу 2022 года. А некоторые, как нобелевский лауреат Роберт Шиллер, уверены, что этот пузырь скоро лопнет, похоронив два триллиона долларов плюс то, что инвесторы вложили в этот рынок. Многое будет зависеть от восстановления экономики США, темпов свертывания программы монетарного стимулирования (QE), перспектив повышения ФРС процентных ставок и динамики доходности казначейства. Это факторы That CAN Severely Reduce The Risk Appetite of Institutional Investors and Return Them to More Familiar Financial Instruments. For Ethereum, The Forecast of Standard Chartered Experts Is As Favorable AS for Bitcoin and Looks Very Optimistic. A Range of $ 26,000-35,000 per Coin Was Announced in An Interview for Reuters. But that’s not the limit either, especially if the bitcoin rate approaches $ 175,000 by the end of 2022. According to a report by the major investment bank Goldman Sachs published in Forbes, the base cryptocurrency has the chance to lose its leading position, giving Way to Ethereum. Goldman Sachs Believees That The Main Reason for The Popularity of the Main Altcoin Is The Ability to Create New Applications. And Also The Fact That Many Financial Instruments CAN BE REPLACED ON THE BASIS OF ITS PLATFORM. This Includes, Among Other Things, Loans and Other Banking Operations. AS FOR REAL, Not Digital, Gold, A Number of Experts Believe That This Precious Metal Has Yet to Run Out of Growth Potential In 2022. The Xau / USD 90111 PAIR COURT BREAK THE AUGUST 2020 RECORD AND RISE TO $ 2,200-2,300 Per Once. However, The Price Performance Of this Reserve Asset Will Also Depend On Investors’ Willingness or Rostectance to Take Risks, AS Mentioned Above. NORDFX ANALYTICAL GROUP Notice: These Materials Are Not Investment Recommendations or Guidelines for Working in Financial Markets and Are Intended for Informational Purposes Only. TRADING IN FINANCIAL MARKETS IS RISKY AND CAN RESULT IN A COMPLETE LOSS OF Deposited Funds.